Posts belonging to Category 'News'

Shining Silver

Shining Silver, a photo by improvisationalgourmet on Flickr. If you have tarnished silver, forget the polish. Just put them in your sink with some water and cream of tarter. Then, crumple some foil loosely and put that in the water, too. It will come out shining!

Baked Egg Cups

Baked Egg Cups, a photo by improvisationalgourmet on Flickr. I had heard about these at the laundromat last summer when a camper was talking about doing this over a campfire. It’s too cold outside to be having a cooking fire, so I just popped them in the oven.   Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. […]

Mom Would Be Proud!

Last night as I was making meatballs, I thought, “I have arrived! Mom would be proud!” I always admired how mom could just throw stuff together without a recipe, and it would taste great – every time. Well, it is now that way with my meatloaf and meatballs. Hamburger (93 percent fat free), oatmeal, egg, […]

Salmon and Creamed Eggs – A Leftover Delight

We had salmon the night before, and I cooked enough for leftovers.  Now, what to do with leftover salmon… I made some hard-boiled eggs by bringing cold water to a boil with 2T of baking soda mixed in, place room temperature eggs into the boiling water for 8 minutes then take out and rinse in […]

Pseudo-Fresh Salsa

My neighbors laughed at me when I planted my Square Foot Garden last August 15th…in Iowa. However, today (Jan 11) I harvested lots of cilantro to make a very tasty salsa. I call it pseudo-fresh because I used canned tomatoes that I had on hand. Pseudo -Fresh Salsa 1 can Delmonte Diced Tomatoes with Basil, […]