Posts belonging to Category 'News'

Vegan by Accident

My daughter has some digestive issues and food allergies; so when she asked if we could try Vegan to see if that helped, I was very willing to please.  Some of her friends were vegan, so I had her ask for some favorite foods and recipes.  We would try to eat Vegan for one week. […]

Vegan Reuben

This Reuben is made with Cannellini Beans substituting for the corned beef. Serving size: 4 Total prep time: 5 Minutes Ingredients: 1 – 15 oz Cannellini Beans 1 – 8 oz can Sauerkraut Shredded Vegan Cheese Thousand Island Dressing Vegan Parmesan Cheese Method: Drain and rinse beans and sauerkraut , and place in bowl. Add […]

Cooking Once for Three Meals

I had a large package of hamburger (3lbs) that was ready to be cooked. I browned half of it for pie iron pizzas tonight, and to put it in spaghetti sauce tomorrow. The other half I used to make a meatloaf that we’ll eat in the next few days. Feels more like a vacation when […]

Meals for Many

It’s summer time, and time to feed any! Two meals we have had so far include: Beanie-Weinie and Spaghetti. The spaghetti left the kids hungry. I think they skimped on the meat sauce, and didn’t get enough protein. I fill the meal out with fresh fruit and veggies. I can’t keep strawberries or blueberries in […]

Practically Paleo — Down 40 pounds!

Well, somehow that midlife crisis set in — and I ballooned in the weight of emotional eating.  Depression from challenges in my life and a skiing knee injury, led me down a rather self-destructing path.  Then, one morning this summer as I opened my drapes at our cabin, my knee buckled and sustained re-injury where […]