Strawberry Pie

Strawberry Pie

4 cups strawberries
1 box (four serving size) Jello strawberry sugar-free
1 box (four serving size) Jello vanilla sugar-free pudding (not instant – the kind you need to cook)
2 cups water

Slice strawberries into a pie plate. Combine next three ingredients and bring to a boil, stirrin

g constantly. Cool slightly. Pour over the
strawberries and refrigerate until set. Serves 4. Each serving: 1FR, 28C

I got this recipe from a Weight Watchers meeting a long time ago.  It was back before “points” when they used their exchanges method (which I totally preferred!).  It is a nice alternative if you don’t mind not having a crust on your pie!

I use a 9″ glass pie plate.  Serve with whipped topping if you like — but don’t forget to count the calories!

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