What to do with Turkey

This year was a bit different for our holiday Thanksgiving meal.  We were doing “off holiday” celebration with the in-laws which means that we needed to do something on Thanksgiving Day with our family.  Because of mom’s failing health, I decided to order the whole dinner from our local grocer, Hy-Vee.  My plans were to take it to her house for dinner there.  Unfortunately, plans changed after I had ordered the dinner, and we found ourselves “stuck” with a complete Thanksgiving dinner with only a few to eat.  We made the best of it, and everyone had their fill.  However, we had lots of turkey left over, what to do?

Here was how we got rid of the left over turkey.

1.  Hot Turkey Sandwiches — one of my favorites!  Just place once slice of whole wheat bread on a plate, top with turkey, gravy, and potatoes (all leftovers, too).  Pop in the microwave for 30 sec (check temp — repeat if necessary).  Serve with left over veggie and cranberry sauce.

2.  Turkey Tetrazzini – this one was new this year!  Take cut-up turkey, leftover gravy, and Cream of Chicken (you could use Cream of Mushrooms — but I don’t like mushrooms!), 1/2 can milk, and heat in microwave or stovetop.  Serve over whole wheat noodles.  This was the end of our leftover gravy!

3.  Turkey Piccadilly – this one was also new, too.  I had a recipe to follow, but I didn’t have a few of the ingredients so I made lots of substitutions.  What resulted was a dish that was complimented, and that was even better warmed over for lunch the following day!  Start with browning some onions in a little oil in an electric skillit (you could also use dried onions, or leave them out entirely!).  Take that final leftover turkey, add 1 can of stewed tomatoes — my can had basil and Italian spices, add 1/2 c raisins.  Keep stirring, adding water as necessary to keep from burning.  This was a quick dinner, but I needed something to serve this over.  Rice was going to take too long — I only had the long grain/long-cooking kind, so I made couscous instead.  Delicious!

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